There was much awesomeness to be had while my family and I were in Florida from January 13 to January 19 (the 12th and the 20th were spent traveling). Here are a few of the more memorable things we saw:
Author: Pixievolt No. 1
The Most Powerful Man in the US is Not the President. Or Bill Gates.
Something I privately foresaw some time ago has, in part, come to pass.
You see, there is a very powerful man at work behind the scenes in the United States. This man has won the support of a horde of geeks, and they will carry out his every wish. He commanded that his geeks make his site one of the top Google search results for “THE ALGORITHM IS FROM JERSEY”. They made it so. He commanded that his geeks be at a certain latitude and longitude at a certain time. They came. He commanded that his geeks photograph themselves naked holding a guitar in a shower. I’m not gonna link to that.
In January, he commanded that his geeks support Barack Obama.
We know what happened at the Democratic National Convention.
Like it or not, Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States. The geeks controlled by Randall Munroe will not permit any alternate result.
EDIT: And it’s happened. Randall always gets what he asks of his geeks. On a completely unrelated note, this is my first modification to my blog using ScribeFire Blog Editor. We’ll see how this works out.
EDIT 2: Well, there’s one Firefox extension that’s not worth bothering with. I’ll just keep my drafts in plain text files.
So Long, And Thanks For All The Science
It is quite possible, when dealing with the heaping pile of garbage that pseudoscientists generate, for a real scientist to lose their sense of humor. Thankfully, this happens much less often than one might think.
Watch out, this blog post and its comments have a whole school of fish puns!